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Magic Is Everywhere

Free in the bowl

When out on the road magic seems to just happen. However, magic is everywhere, it is just that while out of comfort zone we are more vulnerable and open to receiving.  It was late at night. We had driven all day and I was super tired.  It was very dark and I chose my exit.  Driving off the highway on to a desolate dark road is daunting.  We are now in the desert. Not sure where. I keep on driving knowing I will find us a good safe place to sleep. Not very long off the highway I pull into a parking lot and park directly in front of a skatepark. We are home for the night.

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Enjoying the Ride

Enjoying the Ride

Made our way thru Texas, and into New Mexico.  Enjoying the ride. Keeping it real and letting go at the same time. Finding balance with needs and desires. Releasing what no longer serves us and opening to new beginnings.

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Live From The Field

Arriving in Dallas was a bit hectic with the highway system but once seeing Julia and family we were gratefully cared for. Stepping out of my van I immediately see the Believe painting and know that I am on the right path. Being fed good food is becoming a theme of this trip. I call it “Eat, Mantra and Surf”. Once again we are set off with graciousness and blessings to continue on our way.

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Heading West from Here

Heading West from Here
A beautiful visit in Pensacola sends us on our way. Starting with a cacao ceremony and ending with a full body massage by Stacey. And in between blessings of all kinds. From here we travel west to find Osheana and Ben. The new moon and new year of the “Hare” begins our adventure.
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Meet Zack

Zack is the newest member to The Sweetwater Family. He has been with us for a year now. Zack is kindly enhancing the bakery with his sweet expertise. He will hold the fort down while we are off in search of our perfect wave to set us in motion for new beginnings. Please welcome him with kindness and give him a shout out for keeping up with granola and ensuring that our products continue to reach your homes.
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Live From The Field

Life gets busy. And we rise up. Numbers. Responsibilities. Meetings. Schedules… It all begins to run our minds. We push on through to stay afloat. And then one day… we wonder what it would be like to sit quietly and listen once again to the inner voice. That fire within to chase butterflies and spin in circles. To dance with flowers and taste the Earth. Today, the Ohana tribe sets off to slow down and feel the true strength of spirit within. And taste the sweetness of living.
Follow us on our journey for a quest of chocolate as we reawaken the fire within and seek the sweetness that motivates the soul.
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Mystic Vibes while time Stands still

Life goes on as blogging falls behind.  So much happens and words can not keep up.  Time is only but a word that has caused us pressure.   And so I write because I like to write.  Not just so everyone else can see what my life is, but what potential life beholds.  Life is what we want it to be.  And right now my life is expansively expanding.

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Lost In Time Without Time

The Big Sur Coast recaptured us.  Along this powerful coast, the mana comes straight from the water falling from the mountains, the crashing ocean, hot mineral waters flowing out of the core and ancient energy of the native tribes of the Esselen.  Here we were able to let go of the fast-paced world of “service.”  This word has become the word of importance in this new world. 

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Entwined In the Moment

The coast of Big Sur kind of lost me.  What I mean is that….well my heart once again melted with the majestic mountains and ocean.  The ocean captured my heart.  Imagine this view… A perfect left coming off a rocky point, emerald green waters with cliffs coming down to the ocean and a sailboat parked in the dark blue water next to the wave.  Two soul surfers out surfing alone at an untouched beach.  Slight offshore breeze and sun is shining.  This is what I looked down upon up top the bold cliff.  This tempted my soul to run off and never look back.

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